My Pandemic Potato Clock

In the year of our Lord 2020, when the Covid pandemic transformed our lives into something out of a surreal dystopian thriller, I drew images, snapped photos, and posted them on social media. My subject was a cascade of horrors: lonely streets and shuttered shops; hospitals filling up with Covid cases; burning forests and towns with thick smoky air that turned our visual world into impressionist paintings; restaurants and cafés imploding, many never to open again; educations and careers canceled; social lives and love lives interrupted; and politicians and institutions inept in the face of it all.

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If Authors Were Chefs

Inventing cookbooks is not a new task for me. As publisher of Aris Books in the 1980s, I focused on literary offerings that we referred to as “armchair cookbooks” — tomes you could read without ever venturing into the kitchen, like Mythology & Meatballs by Daniel Spoerri and The Feast of the Olive by Maggie Blyth Klein.

With the titles below, I have gone one step further. You don’t even have to read these books. Just feast on the titles and let them feed your funny bone. (Apologies to those allergic to gluten and bad puns.)

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