Tell Your Story of Home

What’s behind our mysterious attachment to home? How does it shape our sense of self, our creativity and relationships? In this free 90-minute Zoom class, starting  October 7, we’ll explore home as center stage for the unfolding of our lives.  In six meetings, we will focus on these themes:

  • Sanctuary
  • Longing and Belonging
  • Sacred Space and Ritual
  • A Sustaining  Story 
  • Home as a Hive of Creativity 
  • The Life Cycle and the Eco-Cycle

This online class is offered in collaboration with Leap, an innovative tech company in San Francisco that specializes in online education in small, intimate groups.  

Sign up here  Leap.so 

We only have 8 seats available so reserve your place now.

The only thing we ask in return in some feedback about. your experience during and after the course. 


  • Thursdays noon-1.30pm PST / 3-4.30pm EST / 9-10.30pm CET.

  • on Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 11.

Among the questions we’ll explore:

What do you need at home to feel comfortable and secure? When are those needs trumped by other people or obligations?

How has our sense of home changed after the pandemic? And how does it serve as an anchor in uncertain times? 

 How did storytelling originate by the family hearth? 

 How have you carved out your own creative space at home? What issues did you have overcome — or are still contending with—to set up a room of your own?  

How is your sense of home evolving due to economic shifts, climate change, and other challenges? And how might your living situation change in the years ahead?

Where is your home in nature?  

How does your story of home reflect the turning points of the culture?

New class starting October 7

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About the workshop leader

The course is facilitated by Valerie Andrews, founder of Reinventing Home. She has written about our quest for belonging in A Passion for this Earth: Exploring a New Partnership of Man, Woman and Nature and in her forthcoming book,  Sanctuary. A graduate of the Guild for Spiritual Guidance, Valerie founded was a featured commentator in A Still Small Voice, an award-winning documentary.  Her articles have appeared in The Optimist, Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche, Common Boundary, The Sun, Intuition, Parabola, Esquire, Vogue, and New York magazine

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